Program Details

Sample Daily Schedule for 2k-4K

Arrival and center play
One-on-one time with teacher
Art opportunities

Circle time, music and movement

10:15 -10:45
Wash hands, have snack

10:45 – Noon
Outdoor time, free play, preparing to leave

Thematic Units are used to inform the stories, songs, centers, letters, activites, art, and experiences planned each month. Themes are:

• based on monthly celebrations and early childhood interests and experiences
• language arts, math, science, social studies, art, and music are taught
• related activities, books, songs, art, and play opportunities
• related field trips and in-house programs (4K)
• small and large group hands-on activities

Circle Time is a time to engage with the teacher and friends for discussion and learning. Circle Time activities may include:

• calendar time– counting, patterns, days of the week, months of the year, special days
• count to 100 charts, using tens, fives, and ones (4K)
• sign-in chart for name recognition (3K and 4K)
• question of the day graphing, unit-related graphing (4K)
• language experience charts (4k)
• pocket chart poems, songs & activities
• shared reading, including Bible Stories
• letter of the week activities (2K-4K)
• weather
• helpers of day/week (3K and 4K)
• Prayer
• birthdays

Centers/play areas are designed to inspire creativity and imagination as well as foster social interaction between classmates. So much is learned through play! Classroom centers include:

• Writing (4K)
• reading
• listening
• art
• dramatic play – housekeeping center, dress up clothes and props
• blocks/building
• science
• manipulatives (puzzles, games, math & language-based manipulatives)
• sensory (playdough, rice, water play)

Math activities introduce concepts through play, manipulation, and instruction.

• hands-on, manipulative
• individual, small group & large group activities

Reading/Language Arts helps to inspire the reader and teach theme related concepts.

• phonics, sight words (4K), word families (4K), rhyming, language experience
• predictable charts & class books (4K)
• shared reading, nursery rhymes
• handwriting based on “Learning Without Tears” focuses on stroke and sequence (3K and 4K)
• individual, small group & large group activities

Additional Activities & Special Areas enhance the daily offerings throughout the week.

• Science Experiments – focus: math and science (3K and 4K)
• Weekly Chapel with Bible Story with Director of Christian Education (3K and 4K)
• Playground Time – gross motor skills & social skills
• Snack Time – learning manners, sharing, social skills
• Field Trips & In-House Programs Monthly (4K)
• Music – in class (all classes) and weekly music instruction (3K and 4K)
• Special Halloween, Christmas, and Graduation programs (3K and 4K)